this push-pull duality leads to a collective "schizophrenia" in terms of how some people express their sexuality -- and, as a result, express (or suppress)
the suppression of sexuality comes as a "pre-loaded thought form" promoted through a variety of cultural constructs -- Religion being one of the biggest "agents" in reinforcing this
all the while concurrently with these messages of "suppression" we see sexual imagery non-stop, a full-frontal assault to the senses 24/7
this "conflict" leads many people to "act" from a space a guilt, or shame
as a result, they will often "express sexuality" in ways in which they feel their acts must be hidden
and, to follow this train even further into the dark, this expression will be too often targeted towards those both powerless to resist
but, more importantly, too powerless to "bear witness"
sadly, one "obvious" reason for the perpetration of sexual assault against women, or gay men, and (even "more obviously") the sexual abuse of children
. . . by those who cannot "express power" in a healthy way
children are too small to stop the assault and too fragile to understand -- and, an even more important "reason" as to why they are "targets"
their stories are too easily made out to be "made up"
so rather than listening to them and acknowledging that they may be giving an actual description of something that "happened to them" . . . their stories are "shut down"
as is their "development" :(
and since children don't have a frame of reference for understanding what's happening and (more importantly) a "vocabulary" to express it, this madness continues
the greatest thing we can do to heal the planet?
in my opinion it is to try and find some healthy way of expressing sexuality
and concurrently helping END the hand me down generational stain of abuse that goes on and on
and on :(
the "issues" arising form sexual abuse never leave; you learn (perhaps) "to deal"
but for many people that "dealing" comes with a terrible price
. . . I am not sure (exactly) how talking about this has become my primary "mission" in life, but it certainly is a "problem"
and a problem we need to "talk about"
sweeping this under the carpet is no longer acceptable
we have to -- as a culture -- OWN what's happened
and try, somehow . . . to do