I only wanted to find some reason why I kept having all these weird #visions of old lamps and old houses
Confirm, somehow, I wasn’t totally hallucinating
And go on; get a nice sales job (‘cause I was “a talker, alright”), get a little house, and keep my string of beautiful girl friends rolling along
This is what I wanted
And it is also what I #expected
It was not, however, what I got
I expected to find some normal guy with a house and 2.5 children who lived in a big Victorian house with lots of lamps!!
I was N-O-T looking for people telling me I was a reincarnated king or Egyptian pharaoh
And, for sure, did NOT want people telling me I would be describing past lives for other people
I was told all these things, and more, when I was 24 years old — 40 years ago, wow
Am I a “reincarnated King”?
Fuck if I know
An Egyptian pharaoh? What’s the emoji for “shrugs shoulders”
This sounds just as crazy to me as it must to you and I do NOT have memories of ancient Egypt — although in my very first directed past life regression, in San Francisco in early July, 1979
I was a King — in what I have since guessed must have been a small principality in Germany before unification in 1871
Was that a valid memory? Again, who knows
But as a past life regression virgin, this was my first dead people orgasm
I get it, too
That what I say now — uh, yeah, back when I was a famous racing driver and won the Grand Prix of Monaco before my morphine addiction
Or my “parallel life” when I was Playboy “Playmate of the Year”
Sounds, how best to say it . . . #odd
Uh , yeah . . . It sounds equally whack to me, too
I get it that it sounds Crazee
And the more I talk, the crazier it sounds
But . . . Crazee as it sounds, it is what keeps circling around my head
And so, nutty as I know it must seem
I keep trudging along
Looking for #dead_people