at the time I started this book, I had certain #ideas about who I may have been in my past life(s) . . . a lot, really most, of those candidates were based on things others had told me
and even though I was a semi--famous psychic, I was still #developing and trying to "figure it out" as best I could and looked to others to help me define the hows whys and WHO
when I first wrote this specific book, I re-read it and thought "holy fuck, even I can't say this !!!"
and so I sat on it for several years and then, finally, "released it" . . . all my books fall into the sands of obscurity fairly quickly, in part because I haven't printed them
but the "ideas" unchained in my mind through the process of sitting with this book changed me, a lot . . . although that change was gradual, pebble upon pebble
I have new past life peeps now -- ALL of them "found" since releasing #Cases and all based on processes I developed to help create this manuscript
I also have dramatically different ideas about clairvoyance and "past life recall"
in addition to all that, I also developed several "theories" about past lives and how they might run side by side after I first started writing this book, in part trying to incorporate ideas "channeled" that I tried to force-fit into a literal match to my "understanding"
in essence, I was too dense to understand my own book :)
I have worked, like a crazy person (literal or metaphoric -- jury is out) to come up with my peeps, my road map, my unified field theory
and so, it is all changing
but I feel I am closer to my "past life truth"
not just about myself but about IT
and so the past life wheels turn