and be willing to be "seen"
nothing better than being seen for who you are, not some watered down drag it out for the 4th of July picnic facade
but YOU -- naked vulnerable
most people are afraid to be seen . . . but until you are ok with yourself and ok with being seen, warts and all
love will walk on by
do this, though . . . and love just might stick around a while
Part Two of this; there is nobody who hasn't "fucked up"
no one shows up in a relationship much beyond 4th Grade who doesn't have some baggage and some scratches and dents
and, as a result, some fears
but you have be willing to move past fear and be open to possibility
being in love, "falling in love" . . . let's be honest, is scary as fuck
but there can be no greater gift than connecting with someone who "matches you"
I believe this is possible for everyone
but do these things -- and I think it likely that your "love life"
and the "possible" become
the real