it is obvious that other than scaring the bejesus out of people talking about the weather, in spite of my reputation as a trouble maker, I actually spent a big portion of 2017 trying to defuse "other psychic's" predictions
of, just to list a few I saw, nuclear war with North Korea, the destruction of NYC by a hurricane, war with Syria, etc . . . not to mention the latest Rapture super vac fly over "prophesied" every 3-4 months . . . what I say about Trump now, I said then
what I say about what I think will happen now, I said back then, too
there is NO 98% accurate psychic and I expected Trump's troubles (which I accurately predicted way before, far as I can tell, anyone else) to lead to something faster than they have
so I was right and also not so right . . . timing is always (for me) complicated
just as depth perception is complicated . . . are these buildings I see right next to each other or 4 miles away; I see in a sort of all the lights are still on in the theatre and the flat screen is curved kind of way when I "see things"
for those with nothing to do, scrolling endlessly down my page in years past is sort of interesting, I think
as, for sure, I was saying all I say now straight from trump
I am still an optimist
and I still have faith in people (and events) in spite of all that's happened