the trick is to make sure, as often as possible, that what stops someone else is simply a challenge -- therefore an opportunity to kick things into gear
for you
I was fortunate as a young sprout to be a handsome charismatic lad but this too often gave me a fall-back plan and, as a result, I didn't always push myself through those challenges
so if my "natural visible skills" weren't "doing it" then often challenges too quickly became road blocks
over the years, having been "blessed" with lots of "opportunities for growth", I have broken down the mechanics of how one's mind set influences one's life
and it comes down, at its core level, to a simple truth
you either believe you will win, no matter what
or you don't
nothing else is as telling as this -- the strongest predictor of your future is where you are on this continuum
do you believe you will "win" ??
if so, wherever you are NOW is simply part of your "conditioning"
you're in training camp !!
if you believe you will not . . . then every day is a frightful walk towards defeat
you will grasp what you have with both hands and hold on tight
in fear that it will be taken from you
clue -- being "tight" is not conducive to being "in the flow"
don't be (up) tight
KNOW you will win
and until you know that, make it your "mission" to work towards acquiring evidence that this is "the truth"
if not . . .