like Jupiter would want to jump right out of her orbit and swing over and squoosh (how's that for a word) your cute little cosmic cheeks
. . . how come then -- and I always go into this optimistic oh he misbehaved LAST time, the little imp'll surely be nice this time
whenever it is that you throw this little "Retrograde" tantrum
things go haywire . . . crazee (and I do mean crazee in the "hello Doctor, sure I hear voices") . . . oh wait a minute -- I talk to dead people
well, you GET the metaphor, anyway
crazee people SHOW UP just to add another witness to the fact
they're CRAZEE
and, last night, at around 3 am or so a pipe exploded in the kitchen and flooded the entire apartment
. . . oh you silly little thing
next time I'm gonna spank you with one of Saturn's moons if you keep acting like this
in other words -- Mercury Retrograde (AGAIN) kinda . . . SUCKS
wishing you all a unicorn and bunny tea party day :)