Two years ago, this was a question I received literally every day
I said then, leading up to the inauguration and right on every week after, until people finally began believing me that "business man" or no, #Trump was a scatter-brain who sowed chaos and was unlikely to actually "start" anything, although he was hell bent on breaking anything he could reach
that Obamacare, no matter what we saw in the news every hour, was going nowhere
try to relax, you will have insurance in the morning
it is one thing to say "we don't like this", quite another to actually sit down and think through something that might go in its place
Trump is good at pointing fingers, not so good at "detailed planning"
I said, much to the relief no doubt of those asking me
that I did not see legislation passing that would end Obamacare
although I expected it to be "in the news" non-stop
I ALSO said he would not pass ANY legislation of any kind until the end of the year -- literally 10 months of much ado about nothing
which is exactly what happened, finally seeing this scam of a tax code rewrite injected into the bloodstream by late night vampires in December, 2017
which leads me to today
. . . I don't think whatever is happening with a judge in wherever the hell he may be
being significant
so, to me, things are exactly where they've always been
lawyers make money, no one can count on shit and the government is a hot mess because Trump is trying to siphon as much money for himself as possible as long as possible
Bottom line: I don't think Obamacare stops -- that is the answer you're waiting to hear