to rape them, sexually "experiment" with them, and/or hold them in some way against their will and then, after the FACT
try to frighten them into "staying quiet" . . . well then, there is a special wing in Hell just for you . . . it should start with prison time without parole and that is just #the_start
I don't give a fuck how rich you are, who you know, what you did, or anything else
if you have to trick 13 years old and then rape them, because you can't #connect with someone -- because, deep down, you're fucked up . . . then you ain't shit now
and whatever you've accomplished is a fuckn joke
end of rant . . . but Epstein and all the rest
fuck ya
and if trump is part of this -- and we all know he is . . . he needs to fuckn go right along with Epstein
and if Bill Clinton is part of this bull shit -- he needs to fuckn go, too
your politics, your philanthropy, your whatever
NOTHING makes up for this