there is nothing fake about news that the Earth is getting warmer, nothing fake about the probability that fires will be bigger, floods more deadly, weird long since eradicated diseases suddenly re-awakened
it's too late . . . I have been saying this for the past 15 years and those predictions have happened and will #CONTINUE to happen; an easy prediction to make is that within every 5 year period from now until the youngest longest living person reading this on Facebook is around to see for themselves . . . that natural disasters will be bigger, more costly, crazier than the 5 years just before . . . it's too late; #irreversible . . . it can be slowed down and, with a concerted effort, mitigated quite a bit . . . but to think there is no damage or that all can be fixed by technology or good engineering
that is myth
global warming is real and the destruction we have unleashed is also real
also inevitable
also (forgive the irony) carved in stone
to deny it is to live in the foggiest haze . . . it is everywhere
the weather is getting worse
and will get even "more worse" in the years to come
no ifs -- inevitable, irreversible, very very #real