the "primary" may split into a binary pair . . . so instead of 1, we have not 2 -- but 3
the primary has a specific gender identity -- but the binary splits may both be the opposite gender
the binary pair may also, in the "short term", have one that overlaps as well as certain times have a 2nd life in the "secondary gender" if it is 2 to 1 primary gender dominant . . . so 3 then becomes 4
the 4th may appear to show up just as # 3 is ready to go . . . or it may (in rare occasions) run concurrently
sally may die in May but susie was born in April and they "overlap" -- this "case with anomalous dates" would draw from the second-level binary split
so it could be two boys and one girl, one boy and two girls, or two boys and two girls . . . I don't believe it is ever one boy and three girls, nor four boys
although it could be three boys -- flip this, of course, for a female "dominant"
so . . .my theory is that split souls split into 3 (occasionally, but rarely, 4)
however, both the primary AND the binary "splits" could overlap in the rarest of rare cases . . . which would mean that there could be 5 -- or even 6 !!!
but never more than 4 in the "primes" of their lives at any one time
and, more typically, 3
why would they do this "secondary dip" to overlap dates ?? . . . to "catch" the "correct" astrology !!
astrology is a dominant force in choosing when to incarnate . . . and, to a lesser extent, where
you are looking to match the “soul essence” with a chart MOST COMPATIBLE with both the the dominant modality of the native . . . and the types of lessons most conducive to soul “evolution”
not only is this astrological matching critical for the native, it is also critical in order to "harmonize" with "soul mates" who will show up throughout the life of the native, at times that are astrologically in harmony with both the native AND the soul mate
since soul mates tend to have profound impacts on the course of the native's development, the timing (both in terms of transits and astrological progressions) means that certain birth times are better than others in order to fully maximize the power of these "soul contracts"
always the astrology "trumps the essence", so each native is “forced” to deal with circumstances outside him/her self related to the collective mass experience, which is delineated in the full natal astrology chart
you hunt for what’s there -- you can’t move the stars to “fit”
all evolution is based on harmonics; harmonics are relationships that can be expressed in many ways
one of those means of expression is mathematical -- so vibratory frequencies are functionally a by-product of spatial relationships, which (again) can be ultimately expressed mathematically
a theory . . . I realize to many (if not most) a totally crazy theory . . . as well as one I could change tomorrow :)
I think those who "split" are rare creatures -- (best guess) about 0.25 % of the world population (approximately 1 in 400)
but (for now) based on years and years of "searching" -- this is what I "think"