sometimes this is by design; other times it just "shows up"
my specialty, in looking back over my "career" seems, quite obviously, to be
sexual abuse
this is such a pervasive issue in the world today; before becoming a professional psychic back in the 1980's, I had ZERO idea not only how common this was but how destructive
there is rarely a week that goes by in which I do not speak with someone who is dealing with the echoes of this tragic underbelly of their world
and, in what must be an odd choice, a straight male who played killers and FBI agents in films and was famous for having lots of "girl friends"
has been the choice of hundreds and hundreds of women over the years as they attempt to "deal" with what "happened to them"
incredibly this is something for which I must have a strong aptitude and empathy
there is a too too common theme that emerges in these conversations
and in getting to the root of the issue, one must also deal with the complexity of how the event is remembered and "judged"
what often happens is the "victim" is "convinced" of her guilt
this is also "by design" and not only do women (and occasionally men; although the ratio of women to men is staggering, probably 20 to 1, or more) suffer from the act itself
they are doubly punished by being made to feel (and own) some complicity
in the acts themselves
I will often say to someone, in a session . . . imagine there is a 4 year old girl who lives across the street. you learn what has happened to her and maybe is continuing to happen to her
do you think this child is "guilty of anything?"
and of course the answer is an emphatic "NO !!"
well then, how could YOU be guilty of anything if you were in a similar circumstance ??
sexual abuse is such a terrible thing; we live in a culture in which this is both widespread and not taken seriously . . . all at the same time
I am not sure WHY this is my "core specialty" . . . but I take this quite seriously
for those of you who may have suffered this as young women (or men), please know I understand how this has likely impacted you
and your abilities to process . . . and to trust
I understand what this has done and perhaps, more than any other reason, this is why so many people with this same history, continue to find me
it was not my choice to have this show up over and over on my doorstep; just as, for sure, it was not a choice for women to suffer this terrible invasive act
but, for whatever reason . . . it continues and it does appear that, more than all other things
this is MY "specialty" :(