this wave just keeps rolling and (just as I have been saying all along) these closures spell T R O U B L E
there are many components to this -- the obvious one being loss of soooooo many jobs, not just in retail but in the support industries: food courts, gas stations, etc
and from a quality control standpoint -- since you'll be buying things sight unseen, the likelihood is that materials and workmanship will continue to erode as well (meaning good paying jobs in fashion and textiles will suffer, as will really any manufacturer who aims for a "mid-tier" product -- in anything !!)
we will end up with Cartier and the Dollar Store and nothing in between, since the world "in between" is being squeezed towards the bottom
as I "outlined" in my book "Cognitive Dissonance and the Blowback Economy" (2007/2008), there will be only two classes: "the haves" . . . and "the fucked"
when we factor in the "inevitable" dark day looming in commercial real estate -- followed by an equally dark day a few months later in the banking sector
any "reasonable viewer" might conclude that the "economy" has bigger issues than people like shopping online
this additional "wave of store closings" is just another "visible" symptom before the cancer is full on, out of control
it's coming, darker and ever more quickly -- and it won't be pretty when it hits
nothing stops it, nothing can stop it
the chances for a safe middle of the road life are past
the haves and the fucked, long may they reign