may seem a bit of a stretch . . . but I believe strongly that this is exactly how it works
soul mates are here to shake our world -- because our spiritual evolution is best facilitated by having people come into our world at various points (and times)
primarily due to the fact that the slow steady drip drip drip of same ole same ole is not going to help us "advance"
. . . we grow at different speeds and changing course -- quite often brought into being by coming into contact with someone who presents a new "opportunity" . . . one we hadn't considered until then
is one of the best ways to help ensure that we grow "in a certain way" -- to help smooth out the karmic "rough spots"
as a result of this new "opportunity", we sometimes set off on a new path -- which brings about new challenges, new sets of experiences
same holds true for emotional upsets and loss, either due to a break-up or death
this thinking is obviously grounded in the idea that there is a "purpose" to being here and part of that purpose is spiritual "growth"
and there is no better way to grow than to adapt to the influence of others who intersect our path
as I said last night, some people we're "contracted" to help; others are "contracted" to help us . . . and, of course, in most cases that bus runs both ways
the people who blow up our worlds up may be the ones most spiritually aligned with your "higher self"
we cannot move ahead without people; we just can't
we are not meant to be "islands" -- also, our growth is seen most clearly by how we treat others
the truest measure of our spirtual "state" is the manner in which we interact with other people, no matter how they "treat us"
come from love and your "gold star in Heaven" (realizing that I feel equally confident that we "reincarnate" over and over and over)
waits for you
our path is already in large measure "written" before we get here -- the circumstances and players are already in the script
it is up to us, though, to make the most of these opportunities and the best way to do "that" is to appreciate those around us
everybody we meet "helps" us -- even if they don't seem as if they do "at the time"