but the reason I am re-posting it is not because of the "prediction" but rather the "rationale" for why I expected it "to happen"
and also because of the two "proposed responses", my feeling then was that people would go for option #1: protect their home turf at all costs
but if it happens again -- which I am "predicting" it will, then this round I expect the "masses" to take an entirely different approach
and that approach?
attack !!
I expected, and almost said it yesterday but whenever you write anything about people shooting policemen, even if you are a "famous psychic", you are going down a slippery online surveillance slope, but yesterday when I posted the video of that poor young man who was killed by a policeman in Minnesota, I expected that the final line had been crossed and that it couldn't be long before people started shooting policemen
rather than waiting for the policemen to shoot them
I have expected it for at least the last year, but yesterday I just "felt" that it couldn't be much longer before we saw some kind of incident such as we saw last night in Dallas
a tragic tragic place in which, we, as a society, now find ourselves
but . . . the die has been cast, now it is "game on" :(
anyway . . . a repost of a post from March, 2007
. . . The housing "crisis"--and I do believe there is every reason to expect it will soon reach a crisis stage for too too many--is all part of an elaborate plan, in my opinion, designed to scare the masses into being good boys and girls and going along with the game. Nobody wants to sleep in their car or watch as the world they tried to build crashes around them.
But, mark my words, this is by design and it is one of the last pieces in a very interesting dark puzzle. As the economy tanks, and home prices drop, people will step to one of two different tunes: protect their home turf at all costs or attack the wolves at their door.
Henry Ford said, "It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
It is time for all of us to realize that we are in this together--black white Latina Asian it doesn't matter. We are all in the mix together and the sooner we realize that the better off we will be.
The housing crunch is, to me, the final "test".