the #metoo "movement" is shining a light on how pervasive an issue this is . . . these women (and men, because I said it, too) are speaking up saying this is not some isolated one-off type of thing
but an all too common experience for millions of women . . . to "victim shame" them for adding their voice as witnesses to the magnitude of this crime
is beyond me
a 3 year old girl did nothing to bring this on . . . a woman walking to the library to study for her mid-term did nothing to bring this on
a child going to Bible Study who had the teacher touch her or the priest molest her did NOTHING to cause this
I am pretty well known as someone who supposedly "knows stuff" about reincarnation and "karma"
these young girls did nothing and to continue to tell them they are complicit in a crime done TO THEM
is an additional crime
we in Psychic World need to quit pointing fingers at these women and chill out
it has to be hard for them to speak this out loud and remember it
I think we can show a little compassion to those who do