of consciousness form intention beauty
parallel beams of green light that echo a suggestion . . . cells brought together in a harmonic dance not driving but rather reflecting an external consciousness directing each movement
we think of the body as a finite structure when actually it is a compendium of cellular possibilities that congeal in a formal pact
as carnal expressions of conscious thoughts far far away
we see this body as source yet it is only held together through aligning with higher consciousness, what we lamely call God
seeing God in our own image not recognizing that the image is simply a thought not a mirror
and our formal limitations, like possibilities, echoes of thoughts
not finite
but infinite
past lives are expressions of form
we merge all together yet each framed work of art is singular although at one still with all others shining silver and jello within + through the shifting winds breathing 24/7 the sweet breath of our cosmic galley
thought makes us
we don't think so much as echo prior thinking
a single past life is not a straight line collective leading on to the next and the next and the next
it is intention and intention is not necessarily a line, nor straight nor even a singular expression
a riddle
but simple
when one stops thinking of here . . . to there
when here and there are no different then truth is present
all stops are starts
and things are no thing
only expressions of light
carved into shadow(s)