look at planets in the house associated with your Rising Sign (I have Gemini Rising so, for me, I would look in the 3rd House)
and look at any connections to planets in that House . . . if an empty house, look at planets connecting to the ruler of the 3rd house
I have Moon in Leo in the 3rd . . . so I look for things in Cancer, things in the 4th House, and any connections associated with the Sun (Leo)
and the trail unfolds from there . . . it is not THAT complicated and once you see the story line unfold, starting with the natural house position of the ascendant
you can start building your "karmic profile"
for some, you are confused AF . . . I might as well be speaking in Ancient Sumerian
. . . but for those happy few astrologers for whom this makes sense, try it
it will reveal quite a bit if you follow the bouncing karmic ball