did I know specifics about trump or Covid 19 five years ago? Of course not . . . but these are secondary concerns in the grand scheme of things
so why do I say that?
there are events (triggers) and there are the issues that may result . . . so having people support trump isn't about trump, it is about the general population and the manner in which they conduct "their business"
different way of going about one's business, on a collective level -- and there is NO TRUMP to worry about
so trump is not the problem -- the emotional foundation of the American people is "the problem" and the things that would come about as a result of "that" ALLOW trump to be a "complication" . . . and, yes, I outlined all this in great detail years and years ago
Covid 19 is a problem but so is a tornado and if you have resources in place to deal with the after effects you move on as best you can and rebuild and move forward
the "issue" is not Covid 19 . . . Covid 19 is a problem, a causal agent
. . . the "scale" of this tornado's damage is the real dilemma, not Covid 19 but the way in which we "dealt" with Covid 19
the "real issue", then, is the lack of preparedness and the manner in which we responded
and the general lack of preparedness and our collective decision not to put resources into "recovery" but, instead, "double down" on "growth"
all this suggested a fairly easy answer to what happens if there is ever a serious crisis
because, again, Covid 19 is not the primary problem -- the "response" is the problem
people being openly racist and shooting each other in the streets -- this, again
is an outgrowth of the general population and the decisions (and we could chart and graph them 20 years or more leading up to this) about what is important and what "to do"
suggested these things we see now happening in practically every city were inevitable
when I predicted the housing crash and bank bailouts leading up to 2008, I was told this was "impossible"
but it was only impossible if your brain wouldn't #accept it as possible
the basic core fundamentals of physics and economics suggested it was also inevitable and it did just what I said it would do
and was "a surprise" only because people chose self-interest over reflection
and short-term gain over long-term stability
again, simple formulas
easy to chart
if the answer is not what you want to hear and taking action is more of a challenge than simply thinking "positive" and ignoring it
well, pay me now or pay me later
and here we are . . . the economy (again) seems to me headed the direction I suggested
as well as much of the madness happening live and 3D in cities all across America
I outlined all this, in detail, years ago
there is no doubt a little psychic "something" going on in what I see but the primary thrust of everything I predict is intellectual
more Sherlock Holmes than Nostradamus
remember, I went from nowhere to $292,000 a year as a process analyst in less than five years time because, truth is
I am actually kind of a smart dude
crazy maybe, not always the rock of stability, either but smart? yeah, I am probably intellectually "pretty smart"
a child prodigy with a crazy mother in a family of racist hillbillies
what, really, can you say to #that :)
I am not a prophet who "sees all" and am not going to get every detail
but, rather, an intuitive with a classical education in the Humanities who is fairly good at seeing how things might "go together"
the true bottom line question is always this: reality that you don't like and chose to ignore or the one you "create"
which one is "more real" ??