1) past lives exist
2) life is rockn on other planets in other solar systems; you may be in more than one place at a time, both in the sense of multiple concurrent lifetimes on Earth or concurrent lifetimes both here as well as simultaneously "being" in "other worlds"
3) God is a hologram made out of vibrating energy; this vibration not only determines how you spin (meaning who you are)
your conscious "interpretation" of the spin also reflects back to "the source" / a self sustaining machine, always in motion
it is this "reflective spin" that powers the Godsource, which powers YOU
the ouroboros both eating and recreating its tail, all at once
4) consciousness is non-local and is not housed in the brain; the brain is a way to "read" data stored somewhere else
5) death is not what it seems; as we are one foot in life one foot in death every step of the way
6) energy and consciousness are the same; the consciousness of the cell echoes a distant source as well as initiates its own source
. . . a riddle, but it works like this:
energy can be in multiple places concurrently because the distance between places is ultimately prismatic; space/time curved, cellular memory encoded at a sub-atomic level
you think it it thinks you
and 7) life is complicated but God is simple
so be (with) God and be fully awake