you set in motion a chain of "energy"
in simple terms, wanting something is the fuel that drives us
however, when you do something you don't "really want" because you've been told it is what you "should want"
then the fuel driving you forward is "counter balanced" by another force holding you back . . . sort of like driving the car with the emergency brake still on
this counter weighted state is the state of mind of most people -- conditioned to tick tock along because it is what they've been told
this is why most people's lives are similar -- because they are marching to similar beats with cars full of dead bodies in the trunk weighing them down
to fully move forward, you must toss the bodies out
these bodies, of course, are the thoughts of others planted in your mind
when you love someone, you don't care if it is raining or snowing -- you want to go see them; you'll find a way
but if you don't really care . . . well, it's snowing
this is the secret to changing your life -- stop dragging a bunch of dead bodies around in the trunk
of your "vehicle"
love what you love