There is a big buzz in the psychic world all of a sudden about the new TV show "Long Island Medium". One of the issues (and a legit issue it is) deals with the ethics of, literally, just walking up to people in line at K-Mart and telling them about poor dead Aunt Petutnia . . . this note is a re-post of my response to a long thread in "The Clairvoyants Club".
Three years ago I was in discussions about doing a TV show and one of the things I proposed was just walking up to people on the street and reading them; the example I used at the time was the magician David Blaine.
I saw this show last night for the first time. Alicia Kent told me about it; I had never heard of it. Initially I was totally turned off and we went and watched "The Gift" -- a great movie about being a psychic -- but they replayed "Long Island Medium" and, after "The Gift" ended, we watched the last half of her show.
Bottom line: is she legit? In my opinion, absolutely. I saw her reading in her house and I was convinced. Could it be staged? Well, of course, but I think she is actually very talented at what she does.
Is she a little larger than life? Well, yeah -- but she wouldn't make good TV if she wasn't. I ultimately backed out of doing this pilot in 2009, which probably would have never seen the light of day anyway . . . but there were many reasons for that and if someone comes with TV contract in hand, the word "compromise" better be part of your vocabulary or you probably won't survive.
"The Hollywood - English Dictionary" is a separate language. So anyone in the same place as she might allow them to shadow her 24/7, too.
I personally liked her. I have some issues about just walking up to people on the street -- for example, over the past 6 years, a lot of people offered to "bring Lehna" and when people have contacted me with "messages" from Lehna usually those people -- if I didn't already have a connection with them before -- were quickly written out of my life sooooooo that is a big boundary that she bulldozes through, which, as we all know, may not always be such a good thing.
anyway . . . in spite of myself, I like her :)