but as I dig deeper and deeper into my "visions" of how it might work, I realize each of these notions -- original sin and bad karma
are both mind fucks designed to control people . . . each "idea" rooted in the parent-child dynamic of good little boys and girls who need to behave
I believe the "truth" is that we choose to incarnate not to fix things but to EXPRESS things . . . if we could come from the vantage point that we are magical spirits
here to do magical things, in alignment with our instincts, in HARMONY with natural laws
then we would be less uptight, less repressed, less unhappy
and more able to find some middle ground on which we could agree and live happier more creative lives
but to create these mind games that are, at their root, control mechanisms
is to distort the natural flow
and disrupt the natural state of individuals here on Earth
we come here to BE happy, not to make someone else happy at our expense
this is my opinion, of course, and everything I write about reincarnation and past lives is theoretical
however, the notions of both original sin and working off our karmic debt
are each simply another manifestation of repression
live in harmony with each other, with Nature, and with yourself
these ideas of sin and "karma" are not designed to foster that harmonic
instead, they are designed to do just the opposite