I realize it is a leap of "logic" to see how it would be possible to live, let's say, in 3 different bodies at the same time -- all doing different things
the hurdle for this is an associative drive to equate the BODY with the soul or essence
it's not . . . the soul essence is a vibratory pattern -- basically a wave function that reflects light
yeah . . . not what you might expect
and this wave function interacts with (and ABSORBS) denser vibratory patterns that are functionally in alignment with its "direction"
this functional alignment is the driving mechanism through which cells "come together" to make a body
but the vibratory pattern can exist as a holographic beam in multiple places because there is no functional deterrent to light particles
existing in "concurrent places" (a function of space/time and the density of what the light "passes through")
these light patterns then "reflect" off a bigger source -- call this God, the universe, whatever you like . . . this "bigger source" drives the manner in which the beams coalesce and the bodies take form
due to the ways in which light is reflected and cells (light packets) "combine"
and yeah, I know your heads are spinning
but think of it this way . . . bodies are composites of light beams wrapped up within cells
and the light within the cell has an origin and it also reflects based on what it "hits"
if this is true -- then the light can (by being projected through a "universal prism") BOUNCE off multiple sources at what appears to the naked eye
to be
exactly the same time
so consciousness sees the events concurrently because they are later RECORDED as having "existed" concurrently
the ordering of the interaction post fact is the organizing principle on which history (and historical consciousness) is based
we write it down that it happened this way; therefore it happened this way
maybe maybe not
we are light beams, pure and simple
combined into patterns seen through a prism
and yeah I believe in reincarnation as the ultimate espression of this "reflection"
of the original source