and that DNA -- perhaps through proteins but at some core neuronal level . . . is reflective not just of a static cellular identity, but also influenced by conscious #intention
translated: thoughts pass through from prior generations . . . and thoughts from prior lifetimes also, through a similar functional exchange . . . so great grandpappy Billy Ray Joe Bob is not only influencing your body, he may also be influencing your mind . . . because his thinking habits are encoded in the DNA strands you've inherited
this is magnified by the legacy of items, locations, tools, etc that "pass down" from one generation to the next . . . how our family used what they had at the time influences us NOW to replicate their cognitive approach if (and when) we choose to engage with (or use) items they had during THEIR lifetime
to add some extra funk to the funkometer, not only is your thinking influenced through DNA strands you've "received", it may also be possible (and I think likely) that your ancestors are literally thinking "through you"
as you align with their legacy, you stimulate the neural connectivity pathwork to seek #connection with the prior ancestor
cells are encoded bits of receptors that include a mapping mechanism to interact with non-local sources of information -- literally external memories, housed in some neural network to which each of us, through a yet to be defined methodology, #connect
this neural encoding is interacting with past history that is #directed in a more narrowly defined path as we engage with objects from our family's history
as this happens, not only are they influencing you but, mad scientist Edgar Allan Poe moment, they are also, literally, acting "through you"
junk DNA "ain't junk" but it does, somehow, lead to the very real possibility of a