imperfect, searching for love, searching for meaning
we all have a hard road . . . and so those around you who "struggle", who may not (in your eyes) have their "shit together", try to always have kindness in your heart for them, as we may not always understand their struggle, nor history
remember, we all stumble; we all want a pat on the head and a kind word
there is a reason I was always "good" with people in pain and not really always down, nor interested, in working with people who had it (at least in their own minds) "goin' on"
the "woke" culture peeps are not my tribe
this approach (and attitude), of course, is good for the soul but bad for the wallet
love is denied to far too many of us; but for each of us, sharing that love not only will enrich the lives of those around you, it will enrich yours, as well
be kind -- that is my wish for each of you and my wish, as well, for myself