on top of that, if you find someone that maybe was you THEN well you're bound to uncover all sorts of shit they did wrong, like dying (for one) and you're probably thinking "i got enuff baggage already, why add yours?"
but that's the thing . . . their bags be your bags and beaten up Louis Vuitton or no, you still gotta grab that bitch from the carousel when it comes rollin' by
nobody else is gonna take it, unless it has a bunch of "Cleopatra is my home girl" stickers plastered along the sides and a big ole Egypt passport stamp from 3500 BC plain as the nose on your ancient Egyptian face staring right back at ya
so yeah . . . complicated
as fuck
and well death is kind of a drag 'cause you showed up for some kind of REASON, vague and ill-defined as it certainly doth appear to be
and perhaps that reason wasn't fulfilled and that just adds to the weight of the bags you're carrying and there's a weight limit on how much goes on the plane and well shit . . . karma's a bitch and you're not sure who what where or how much there is of it and who's to say
until after the plane crashes
bottom line -- I get it that my mad hatter dash through the reincarnation wilderness seems
but I like finding things
especially things all about
death is my home boy and I am living to tell the tale
. . . kinda
kinda crazee but kinda cool, too