Just suppose . . . there was a technology, on the door step, that would eliminate the stranglehold energy companies have over you. Suppose it was a combination of electro-magnetism and "etheric" energy, literally dripping in the air, a fusion (somehow) of water vapor and magnetic induction. Suppose, too, this technology was available to all; once you know how to tap in to it you could, in theory, tap in to it forever . . . no meters, no waste products, no problems.
Suppose, for a moment, that this knowledge exists and its existence is seen as a threat and much like King Herod killing the children, men currently in power are trying to kill this information, suppress it -- even going so far as to eliminate the very fabric of science and physics so as to postpone the inevitable loss of personal power this knowledge would certainly bring.
Science Fiction? Perhaps . . . but there is something going on. No culture as advanced as ours would willingly turn back the clock to 400 A.D. without some very strong reason. The string-pullers are scared -- of something.
But what? An interesting interesting question.