instead pay attention to what you feel, deep down, is "solid"
this feeling is usually a state of mind in which you notice (later) that you weren't really "noticing" what was happening in "the background"
if you give up "confirmation", you will be light years ahead in your "psychic development"
don't worry about "outcome" -- instead focus on "active awareness"
this is facilitated by stripping away noise and tension (to me, simply another form of noise)
don't worry in the beginning how often you're "right" -- one important "trick" is in developing a peripheral vision to what people "present"
it is never what they say -- it is the intention
and intention is sometimes hidden by words . . . so never listen to words . . . listen to the "flow" of the words
words are points . . . the flow is motion
and motion indicates direction and direction
the answer