I've also had periods, lots of periods, where I lived flat the fuck out, nonstop go go go . . . Fast or Park; two speeds
slow and steady is not the beat of my drum . . . in my 65 years of go fast and park go fast and park, I've seen (and done) some shit . . . #unusual_shit
the suicidal recluse parts are kind of a bummer
as it is obvious, to me, in retrospect, that I must have had something powerful when I turned it on and could keep it on
or I couldn't have done, nor had the opportunities to do them, the things I did, especially considering the amount of time and effort I put into derailing my own train
keep the light ON, keep moving forward . . . sadly, there was something within me that couldn't (or wouldn't) do that
I bring all this up to preface this "point"
not everything is a straight line and I can look to the disasters of my life, some seemingly random and some quite easy to map out how, where, and when (although the why is more complex) I created them
I can focus on my unicorn horn being half worn down
or half sharp as fuck and ready to rock
black sheep are built, not born
remember that: built, not born
and the truth of who you are, under all the indigo
never turns off
and no matter how many years of fuckery you've experienced or suicidal nights you've lived through
the chance that something good can happen is always there
and if you look back on YOUR life, my guess is that you will find hundreds of instances when things, magical things
happened out of nowhere
and in a hurry
there is always a chance for something good
because there is always something good inside
never extinguished, no matter how many layers of fuckery
your life can change for the better, in a NY minute
and that, more than all other reasons, is why people continue to #reincarnate
because that "experience" cannot be replicated any other way
than coming back #here