I have been where you are likely at now for a long time -- it is, imo, much better to speak your truth and own it
most people are afraid to speak out, knowing that endless gaslighting and love and light shaming is what's coming; I wasn't and I am happy for all of you who may be fighting the love and light police (because, for sure, they exist)
and being bold and speaking your truth, too
I was told sooooooooooooooooooooo many times my "career" would be over and I have pissed off, and run off, thousands of people
but instead of hurting me, it has actually helped me
and even though there were plenty of people saying to me then what they may be saying to you now
instead of killing my career or running everyone off, it (in fact) did just the opposite and I have been listed in all these different places as "One of the Top 50 Psychics in the World" (which is really just a "popularity contest")
and am more popular now than ever
own your truth and speak your truth
all the people "creating their own reality" and too woke to get their hands dirty are complicit in allowing the fuckery we see now with QaCON and all the rest to grow
to all of you who are speaking up and not backing down, I salute you and offer you
all respect