and I spend (and have spent) a lot of time thinking about them and trying to understand how they might operate
as well as trying to figure out, as best I can . . . "who I was". I have said, for years and years and years, that I "remember Nazi Germany"
is this a literal memory or a function of the collective unconscious or just a historical literacy? Or a flat out delusion?
who, really, can say with absolute certainty
I wrote a book last year, "Karmic Outlaw: Past Life in the Fast Lane", in which I outlined some of my theories about past lives
and also talked about my journey in trying to "find them"
and how I came to believe I might have been a racing driver in Europe by the name of Achille Varzi
Varzi had been a famous, highly successful racing driver in the early 1930's; the winningest driver in the world in 1934, he signed a contract for the 1935 season with Auto Union
one of the two racing teams in Germany being financed by Adolph Hitler, who saw auto racing as both an opportunity to show the world German technical superiority as well as give them an opportunity -- since they were barred due to the Versailles Treaty of 1919 -- to secretly develop engines for military aircraft
The Nazis made a big deal about auto racing -- a VERY big deal
Varzi's "history" is often one of a "what ever happened to" . . . because he went from being, literally, the highest paid athlete in the world in any sport in 1935
to a morphine addict banned from auto racing by 1937
it is my contention that part of Varzi's "struggles" -- (as an Italian driver he was an outsider who was tolerated ONLY because he won auto races and that ended when he started shooting morphine . . . and he was noted, too, for clashes with Mussolini in Italy for years and years and not being held, ever, in great favor in Germany, either)
were related to being part of the German "war machine"
during his years driving for Auto Union
no doubt an ethical challenge on the one hand and for some one as (#irony) driven to do things "his way" as Varzi -- a notoriously stubborn individualist who wanted "to win", his way -- the structure and eyes over the shoulder approach of the Nazis would have rubbed him the wrong way . . . no doubt, at all
later, after the war, he returned to racing and was successful once again before getting killed at the Swiss Grand Prix in 1948
past lives -- they're complicated
but it is my "belief" that traumatic past lives may seep into our current "consciousness"
many books about auto racing in the 1930's, when they talk about Varzi, said he "could have been the greatest racing driver of all time"
but that ended in the 1930's
now he is remembered primarily as "a man of mystery"
there is no way to prove or verify a past life -- who knows, with any certainty, if I was Achille Varzi
I "remember" (somehow) Nazi Germany
which is why, now (I believe), I am so vocal in my opposition to anything I see that "reminds me" of #then