every past life, if they lived past the first crash the pattern still continues
I am doing it now; I did it before . . . after Lehna's death I was "afraid" to go fast again but it is the way I am "wired"
and to see this is to know something "valuable"
we ALL have this rhythm within us, a past life "style"
my lesson is to move past the crash and go fast again just as your lesson, no doubt, will be unique to you
is the "resolution" to "drive within my LIMITS" or to not care and go faster ??
the integration of unique qualities within your current life will (in my opinion) have a subtext of this basic karmic rhythm influencing what you "do" and how you go about "doing it"
but to see where your comfort zone lies buried is, I think, an important bit of information in knowing what is likely to work and what is likely to not
I can't stay in the slow lane too long . . . good or bad, that is how I was "built"
and to try and play it "safe" when that is not my inherent "strength" is to actually put myself at risk, nutty as this may sound
each of us has this internal karmic "beat" within us
everyone of us