somewhat akin to Heisenberg taking a thermometer reading of Schrodinger's is it alive or dead quantum kitty
quantum "entanglement" is similar (in may ways) to the "energy that is splitting" and this entanglement, nutty as it must sound
suggests that the splits are acting on each other yet are independent -- all at the same time
and similar properties influence the "similarity" when observed; a watched past life pot boils or not
soooooo, quantum entanglement is what is "entangling the past lives" . . . the "essence" at high enough speeds are here there and everywhere else
we think we act alone yet we are acting together and as we OBSERVE the interaction
the agent being observed changes which (simultaneously) CHANGES THE OBSERVER
karmic physics quantum reality . . . uh yeah
this is why I keep saying that past lives come in "clusters" and as we change one thing in this life, we concurrently change the essence and "meaning" of the others
the potential unfolds and as it unfolds it both contracts and expands latent "possibility" and based upon the point in which one "observes" the life
it is either growing or shrinking
and sure, it is weird but quantum physics is weird
and why is quantum physics so weird?
because what it is trying so hard to "measure" and explain
is weird as fuck, to begin with
but . . . if you even dip your toes even a little bit into quantum theory, soul "splits" make perfect "sense"