we are connecting with a holographic energy source of grandma jones, funelled through a grandma jones prismatic lens
as she is already off doing other things in other bodies
I have also said (which just confuses people even more) that we are CONCURRENTLY here and there
so my 3 separate life times in 1935 were also bi-local, meaning they had one foot in Earth time and one foot, etherically, in a parallel "dimension"
all the while wrapped in the "totality" of the Andy Brewer spiritual seed pod
so yeah, straight jacket me now
but this is how I believe it all rolls
and also (to me) helps "explain" N.D.E.'s
it is no whackier to be reincarnated than just sprung up "out of nothing"
and not much whackier to live in multiple bodies as to live in only one
an "odd concept" (perhaps) but only if you hold to the idea that things have to go ONLY in straight lines
time curve space etc etc etc . . . that speech