If I see photos on FB of people with new cars, or amazing trips, or having a fabulous night out, I don't go "wt fuck, how come that's not me !!", I am also truly happy for them
what I'm NOT happy about though are people who openly (or covertly) express opinions that some group -- whether this be due to their skin color or where they live . . . don't deserve good things or that the world would be "better" if only we didn't have XY or Z . . . being happy for others is inviting happiness into your own world, being petty is ALSO inviting pettiness to pay a visit
LOVE is what matters
and real love means you love others having things you may want for yourself
knowing that love makes the world go round
"Hate sucks" . . . jealous judgmental people also suck
practice gratitude for others
lots of people preach "gratitude" but I look at things like this: I am not just grateful for when things come my way, I am grateful that somewhere good things are happening
no matter who it is
because I know that feeling of receiving
and it is good to know others are feeling that same feeling
this "works" in my world, even if I am not personally right this second rolling in abundance or fame or whatever
my life ain't so bad and likely a lot of people envy what I've created, so why should I boo hoo that others may have created more
knowing someone is happy is a glimpse into a possible shower of happiness for yourself
when you point fingers at others or say shit about others, honestly
you're blocking the rainbow from flying over your head
and your pot of gold will always stay hidden