in which the latent energy you might pick up on as a psychic, in order to make long-range predictions
starts becoming more "tangible" . . . in essence, the wheels on the karmic bus start becoming visible to passing motorists; this is happening now with my initial predictions about trump
the things I "saw" way way way off in the distance
are getting closer and closer; more people are seeing what I saw
and the possible is moving swiftly into the probable
this energy is now taking on a solidity that it didn't have -- as such, the things I predicted two years ago
are (as I look at them) closer and closer to being fully manifest in the here and now
I, for whatever reason, seem to have a long range lens on what's "to come"
and it sometimes takes a while for my visions
to show up . . . now others are saying similar things
it is likely not long until what I saw is pretty obvious to most everyone who cares to look
translation; trump's world soon changes
not to his liking, either
#overIT soon just #itIsOveR