. . . so, "thoughts" for this morning; I believed Trump would win all along -- although I knew saying this out loud too often brought me personally WAY more heart ache than glory
I have learned over and over that "accurately predicting the future" as a psychic, if it isn't what people want to hear, does nothing for my "career" and instead only brings unnecessary heat and backlash
either (a) I am a "negative person" or (b) my predicting it "caused it"
so yeah, I am "over it" way more than you could ever imagine
and much as I love to be "right", it almost isn't worth it to me anymore to deal with what comes from "predicting it"
. . . and why did I think this (other than Astrology) ??
Two reasons: (#1) Hate is stronger than Reason (MUCH stronger)
. . . and people, much as they wanted to find something positive to bring them out to the polls
instead found two candidates staring them in the face
who they despised in almost equal measure, although for two quite different reasons
you could also energetically see Hillary's energy "shrinking" and Trump's expanding
subtle things but psychics deal with subtleties . . . I was more convinced Clinton was in trouble seeing her aura shrinking day by day and Trump's expanding; it was obvious to me
their etheric bodies were going in two quite different directions
this, of course, didn't mean Trump would win but it spelled trouble for HER
and normally the one with the "bigger aura" at the time wins and Trump had the "bigger of the two" over the past couple of weeks
you could see Hillary was nervous and any hint of fear makes the dog bite
you could "see it" -- all of it
but my ways of seeing things are different than others and no one quite "gets" my ways of doing things
but, yeah . . . saying this (again) brings me way more heart ache than glory; it isn't really anymore worth "the agony of predicting it"
and so (#2) they voted, if they voted, not from a position of supporting Candidate A but rather from a place of saying "I don't really want Candidate A but I absolutely posititutely don't want Candidate B !!"
Another example of smart people being stupid because I think anyone who really paid attention knew if you went for the lesser of two evils kind of approach in offering choices to "the people"
that the only people REALLY motivated to get up and stand in line would be HATERS
and that is all that you need to know (I think)
hate has energy and that energy, just as I have been saying would happen for the past 15 years
has been let out of the bag
it now has "a voice" and all my writings, "visions", predictions, political commentary etc etc etc
WARNING this "could happen"
meant (and mean) nothing . . . I feel the same way about this election that I did about the lead up to the Iraq War in 2002 - 2003
I worried and agonized so much about going to war with Iraq; I knew it would be a disaster, would drag on forever and would be the worst of all possible paths for the United States
but hate and stupidity, mixed with greed and short-sightedness, over ruled detached logical analysis
same here -- people love to hate
and so, "President Trump" and what is sure to be a journalist's wet dream come true: The Trump "First Family"