but . . . past lives (in my opinion) and your current life are all intertwined in such a way that what happens in one IMPACTS what happens in all the others -- even the ones, supposedly, "past"
the soul essence feels the pulse and sends out its "response" so even though a past life is "past" the energy driving it (and you now) is CONCURRENTLY interacting with all "the others"
translation: your soul essence has a direct simultaneous connection with ALL lifetimes
and the pulse points "breathe" into each incarnation
so not only are you being "influenced" on a subtle level by your past lives, you are ALSO on a subtle level influencing them
suggesting that the soul essence is a direct always on beam of energy, never extinguished
to take this concept a step further, it is not the past life that is "the influence" as each lifetime is an "expression of essence"
the primal seed is the driving mechanism behind all physical incarnations
and, as such, each response "experienced" in a physical body is absorbed by the soul essence
time is not (at that level) a "straight line"
you can gain clarity as to the "nature" of the seed and, in doing so, understand the best means to "water and nourish it"
the essence wants to express at the highest level but is restricted by various elements within dense matter
understanding the seed's "intention"
is the same thing as knowing what is in your "best interests"
they're all connected; whether you see it or not
always the pulse, always this signal back forth constantly
we are not living them all "simultaneously" as we see one thing happens then another happens as a result
but, instead, (at least this is part of my "theory"), causality is not a defining characteristic of the soul's expression
meaning, that even though stuff "has happened", the soul essence is not restricted to only a set point along the continuum
it can go back forward through #time