but not where they ultimately land
if people are "working on things", they are working on them whether they have some level of fame or not
what happens is out of our control; what we choose to do, though, is
and it would seem plausible to me that the thing one chooses to do and the drive they exhibit towards achieving it, whether "successful or not"
would speak to the possible inter-connectedness across lifetimes of these separate incarnations
I know lots of people who are celebrities, especially actors and musicians
and they have the same types of issues in many cases as everyone else
and being famous one year does not translate into being famous or successful the next
yes, I am also super skeptical of Cleopatra or Joan of Arc being housewives today in North Dakota
but . . . there are lots of people who flirt briefly with C list levels of fame
they likely reincarnate, too
the question for me is how does “what’s within” seek expression
This raises nature/nurture questions which none of us can ever fully define
I think people who have a drive to express some aspect of their “nature”
Likely come pre-loaded with that same drive
How it gets released or expressed
Is tempered by a host of factors, both environmental and genetic (which also invites a lot of speculation about why “these genetics”)
But the thing “within them”
I would suspect
Is always there