this is critical and no long-term success can happen without it
people who have suffered any type of loss or reversal have a "problem" in that the primary mode of thinking is typically about what has happened to them (this happened to me after my daughter died in 2006)
and so their focus -- and energetic "output" . . . is in "reverse"
some ways work better than others in helping people stay afloat while they're "reversing" just as some methods work better than others to help people move from reverse to forward
but all of these processes, no matter what they are, must be grounded in this simple but powerful truth
people can "smell it" if you don't believe in yourself
and until you find some positive inlets in which to dock the rowboat carrying your self-esteem
you will never trade that for a yacht in the harbor
success is a state of mind, not that the outputs are "imagined" -- because that is a state of "delusion"
but it is a state of mind in this respect -- what you think within, your emotional/physical/intellectual "state"
determines how others respond to you
without positive responses from others, you get nowhere
no clients, no jobs, no relationships, no anything
except a quicker and deeper retreat into solitude . . . we all need time to re-charge but we cannot "get ahead" without positive relationships with other people
and we can't have positive relationships with other people
unless we first have that with (and within) ourselves
and the key to making that happen . . . stop focusing on the things that threw you (for a time) into reverse
examine the past as a lesson but don't use the lesson as your song
use it as fuel to move ahead and not as an anchor to park