this works the same one on one as it would for making predictions about the economy or politics or earthquakes (the Earth has feelings, too !!)
not an exact science but it is how I "do it" and, for the most part, I am good at doing it "my way", although this doesn't allow me to be "all things"
as not everything "registers" on the emotional radar in the same way
since emotions are kinda my "thang"; it makes sense to me that in understanding one's emotions (which are, by and large, reactions to "something")
one can also begin consciously "changing" the ways in which those emotions are processed
through looking at the "inception point" that underscores how the "pattern" was "created" in the first place !!
and if the means of "processing these emotions" (created "somewhere" at some point in your history) is the vehicle driving your future -- it also makes sense that in examining the hows and whys of your emotional "patterns"
and their "birth place"
you can take charge of determining if the "emotional reaction" FITS
in other words, does the punishment fit the crime, so to speak
you can change your future; honestly you can -- because you can make your "reactions" fall more within your conscious "control"
and, taking this one step further, it makes sense to me that my "work" -- at its highest level
should be directed towards helping people baseline their emotional processing system with the ideal goal of helping them, as a result, more fully take charge of how they "feel about things"
which would lead to a different way of thinking, which leads to a different course of action . . . which leads to a different future
in the past, I made my "reputation" through predicting the future
now I am more focused on "creating the future"
and the wheels on the bus keep on keepin' on