is the emotion is what I pick up . . . and then the second piece is what may be LEADING to the emotion
which is how I do economic predictions . . . I get a sense of how the collective "reacts" and then reverse engineer what is likely causing it
this is why SIMPLE (which aren't) "yes/no questions" are not my thing hahahahaha
however . . . collective emotions "leave an imprint"
the more emotion, the easier for me to read
. . . the hardest clients for me, therefore, are ones who are "super rational" and try to "suppress" their emotions
and the easiest for me, then, are people who are creative, passionate people because there is a more direct causal link to what happens and how they "feel" about it
but on large scale events, the "collective reaction" is always the driver for my predictions
earthquakes and emotional upheaval both cause quick, deep emotional reactions
and that is the "thing" that registers on my "psychic brain"