this "detox" period, as many of us (certainly not just me) have been saying, is likely to be a time when we, as a collective, "re-think" our relationship with the Earth and technology and where / how we live
Not everything in the Universe is a "resource" to be controlled. Short-term thinking can, and will, lead to long-term issues if not done with a clear mind and a long range vision
I expected these earthquakes, "predicted" them -- but the lesson in this revolves around how we treat each other. The Earth is in chaos because WE are in chaos. For those people over the past few years saying my "predicting earthquakes HELPED cause earthquakes" I would, instead, posit this is a more likely scenario
when enough people's thinking and emotional balance tips too far from the ideal center, that "psychological dysfunction" registers as a thought form and since this is reflective of heavy, dense thinking (think of an obese individual eating nothing but junk food) the thought form itself takes on a "weight" that is hard to carry
is it too far-fetched to suggest that not only are the actions of the collective causing "complications" but that, also, the Earth is a living, feeling creature and she is "picking up" the emotions that "boil up to the surface" of our individual emotions as they get wrapped together
I don't cause earthquakes by predicting them, just like children who are emotionally abused don't cause their attackers to continue to abuse them by saying it out loud; the prediction is simpy a statement that something is happening already and so "don't be surprised" if this thing happens next
the witness in that scenario is the one who gets blamed. Any woman who has been sexually violated, tragically, understands this concept and I am in no way equating what I go through with what happens to victims of abuse -- not at all; but the model, to me, seems comparable . . . not from the victim's standpoint but rather from the viewpoint of those who think their actions are "stand alones" and don't leave "fingerprints"
going forward, the Earth may continue to shake and bake because she has been fed a diet of Quarter Pounders and Ho Ho's far too long. We need to wake up to what is happening within the Earth. Balance is not one of our social "strengths"; we have a large body of people shouting to the Heavens that we are bad and that God wants to punish us
if you say, to yourself, "I am nothing, I deserve to die" long enough, your body (due to the emotional junk food you continue to feed it) will eventually begin to break down
I don't cause earthquakes but perhaps all of us together "do". Psychics don't cause marital discord, nor economic worries -- we simply recognize and say it out loud, with the hopes that through acknowledging this, we may help kick-start the decision making process for an individual to make the changes necessary in their lives to move towards a happier, more balanced future
so my question is this -- to those who "condemned me" for stating my truth that these things were going to happen, do you ever stop to think that another perspective would be to look at what actions we all could take to minimize the chance of it happening again and that psychics are not the "cause" but rather are simply a "witness"
a prediction is considered "negative" if it is not what you want to hear; but if you eat nothing good and think nothing good and do nothing good, then how can you truthfully expect to hear that those actions have not led to a current state that is less than ideal and that your future prospects are not so hot, either
the Earth feels what we feel -- isn't it time we start sharing love and a willingness to do for others because the Earth reflects back to us what we reflect down to Her
The truth is "the truth" and your version of the truth, no matter how much you hold on to it, is but one drop in a raging river. I am an "emotional intuitive" and yes, I am an emotional guy, but what I mean by that is THIS:
I "feel" the collective emotions and see patterns based on thought forms. This is why it is not so easy for me to pick yes/no answers because in those scenarios it is not so simple for me to scoop up all the emotions that influence the outcome
on big things, like the economy or the progress of a War, it is more my "thang" because there are lots of people with strong feelings and it becomes simpler for me to pick up but the emotions that I see/feel around me also "collide" with my own and the more detached I am from what is happening, the better I will be at seeing "the future". Same thing holds true for an individual when asking about her marriage or career -- there is a progression, with a history of movement and an emotional history . . . that is what I read
since this is my "style", I also am suggesting that what I am "reading" when I say an earthquake is coming is, quite simply, the emotional state of the Earth. I see Her feelings and make my best guess as to what She will do next - and when She is likely to do it
a dog can't stand up and say "oh excuse me, Master, but this thing you're doing is causing me a bit of discomfort. Would love it old chap if you might simply refrain from doing it again" . . . no, the animal has to do something to get our attention in the hopes that we will figure it out. I think that is sort of what's happening here
crazee to some, I know -- but that is my "truth" . . . and right now, the Earth, I believe, is hurting and, in my opinion, She is likely to continue with Her shaking