I am sleeping all snug as a bug and I start, suddenly, having this WEIRD dream and it is like when people are trying to wake you up to go to your Sociology mid-term and you've been drinking the night before and trying to sleep but they keep shaking you telling you it is 8:50 and your mid-term is 9 am and you are dreaming about a threesome with the two blonde girls on the 11th floor from New Jersey but they won't leave you alone
and the DREAM suddenly is this -- I hear the words 1889 and I am thinking in my hung-over do I really have a mid-term in 10 minutes way . . . wt fuck happened in 1889
and then I remember, sort of, because I am asleep but they're trying to wake me up and I am in that no man's let me sleep I don't need to pass Sociology 202 all that badly way
"oh, Crown Prince Rudolf" . . . and for those normal people who don't obsess over past lives and read old historical treatises on long-since gone backwater places in Eastern Europe with names like Galicia and Ruthenia
and might not know these things . . . Crown Prince Rudolf was the son of the Habsburg King Franz Joseph and heir to the throne but he was a LIBERAL who was sure to shake things up and he was a champion for Hungary, an abused housewife of sorts in the Austro-Hungarian Empire
and History tells us that he murdered his cute little 17 year old "playmate" Mary Vetsera and then killed himself in a hunting lodge called Mayerling . . . a sorted affair of adultery, pedophilia, murder and suicide
and since he was no longer heir the next in line for the throne was a somewhat boring reactionary named Franz Ferdinand who got shot in an open car driving around Serbia with his morganatic wife in 1914 which set the dominos to Hell on Fire
leading to a little he said she said no you said mad dash to oblivion we loving remember as World War I
and yes I have now missed my mid-term only maybe not because now it gets INTERESTING
because once I made the connection in my drunken haze of 1889 + Crown Prince Rudolf and Mayerling and all the rest
I see the one trying to wake me up is yelling in my ear once I sort of vaguely go "but yeah, he was murdered, it was a plot and the suicide story was set up"
I SEE Allie Cheslick standing next to me and saying "and yes, you were part of the plot to kill him !!!!"
and I instantly woke up, looked at the clock 4:43 (so I wouldn't miss 4:44, I guess) and a GIANT flash of lightning struck outside my window
30 minutes later, calm as can be, the birds are singing, especially loudly . . . as one of my pet peeves in the chemtrail why is the sky a different color and who stole the clouds "discomfort" is that it seems, to me, that birds don't sing anymore, not like they used to anyway
and this morning suddenly it's the closing credits to "Blue Velvet" and yes . . . I am a mad man rambling incoherently -- but a "ghost" woke me up at 4:43 am the morning of her funeral and so mad man seems appropriate to me
anyway . . . the point of it all is this
Allie woke me up and I think she wants to (and will likely continue to want to) "feed me" stories
Chatty Cathy of the Dead . . . calling me to wake me up when you were alive ("Allie, it's 3 am" . . . "oh, is that too late?" . . . uh, yeah)
and calling to wake me up still
and lest people think I was some 19th Century gendarme, pre-KGB kind of dude, Allie is telling me that I was not directly involved in killing him but involved in the stuff that ultimately GOT HIM KILLED
"you were a plotter, Brewer-boy"
a trouble maker, nonetheless . . . but from a different side of the room
and yeah to those that don't "get us" I am sure they have a straight jacket in just my size, ready for me to slip on
Chatty Cathy of the Dead . . . that you are :)
I miss you so much
ps -- 5 minutes later and my chorus from the birds is eerily silent
(April 29, 2017)