I (personally) do NOT think this is true . . . (to me) "karmic resonance" . . . meaning, unconscious but persistent "affinities"
are the key to finding your "answer"
I have been poking around in the reincarnation "vault" now for 40 years, trying to "understand it" and I still don't
I have theories; sometimes these "evolve", sometimes they stall . . . I still have no absolute idea who I was (although I have STRONG opinions) nor even if I "was before" (again VERY STRONG opinions)
however, of this point (now) I am pretty certain
somehow, I am "sharing" the brains and memories of a lot of different people; was I "them" . . . am I a preferred subscriber on the 24 Hour Cosmic Channel . . . is it just that I am "so psychic" that whenever I think of something a big long string of stuff pops in my head
or am I simply hallucinating and think I "know stuff" I don't?
I still don't "know" . . . although my strongly held "opinion" is that we DO reincarnate and the means by which this happens "suggests", to me, that we are not tied down "strictly" to linear time
meaning in some way, time + causality is "curved" . . . we live in "Flatland" and there is more to it when we slip on over to "Curve City"
mystery . . . but the more I look for evidence, the more it appears as if time is a VERY fluid commodity in "Astralia"