and his coach should ALSO be punished because how could these egregious acts have happened without his knowledge and complicity
yet some of the biggest banks in the world are set to pay billions of dollars in fines (to them simply a slap on the wrist)
for criminally mainpulating currency markets . . . yet all the CEO's "know nothing" and no one even bothers to discuss this
the reason athletes are paid millions is not (primarily) because they generate revenue, it is primarily to be set up as both (a) a career path one could aspire to
and (b) a scapegoat to deflect attention from the Wizard of Oz mainipulating thngs behind the curtain
if some young man, who was a backup Second Baseman for the Pirates and worked second shift at a factory in the off-season, got in trouble, he probably wouldn't be on the national news every hour for weeks on end
all this Deflate Gate hoopla is one more bait and switch to confuse the masses while the Plantation Masters are tightening the screws around their ankles
we can send athletes through Hell -- yet executives are untouchable
Deflate Gate is analogous to running a stop sign -- a criminal offense, yet probably not one that would warrant an 8 year prison sentence
manipulating the currency markets is armed robbery, comparable to heavily armed men walking into a bank and sticking it up
if we caught the bank robbers after stealing a million dollars, we wouldn't fine them $700,000 and give them a warning
yet that scenario -- paying back less than you stole in the first place and not being prosecuted even AFTER you're caught
is exactly what happens with bank executives over and over and over again
. . . seriously, wake the fuck up