I said Trump would resign during his first 2-3 years in office; said this literally the morning after the election in November, 2016 . . . primarily due to past "financial improprieties" coming to light
it would all be made manifest due to the testimony of others "in the know" who would give up information about Trump's financial crimes
I said he was continuing to do business while president and that the lines between the oval office and trump tower were "blurred"
these are more than just immoral or fattening -- they're illegal
and when these business dealings -- and the selling of access committed by trump and others speaking on his behalf was fully revealed -- which is about to happen
at that time, the noose would grow tighter and tighter
and his PT Barnum act would suddenly stop working
summed up; Trump is a crook
and more than that -- Trump's fucked, hard core
and his crimes, going back years and years -- tax evasion, financial fraud, racketeering etc etc etc
. . . will be the reason he doesn't finish his term in office
#overIT + out