. . . on Hershey's and their continual usage of child labor to help create the chocolate bars given to millions of children on Halloween -- this after having their heinous practice brought plainly into view 3 years ago
yet, it still continues and a class action lawsuit is being brought against Hershey's by a group of concerned parents
Of course, this "bugs me" -- a LOT . . . as it should any parent
. . . and the abuse of children in any form is never acceptable
it is one of the topics sure to trip me off at lightning speed
abusing children and unsafe labor practices is not something any of us can / should tolerate . . . and taking advantage of one child -- so as to create something to make ANOTHER child "happy", well the irony of this seems boundless
and the tragedy even greater
but much as that theme reverberates in my mind this Halloween, I have chosen (instead) to talk about DEATH
. . . with a Capital "D"
it is understandable that we would typically "see" our bodies and our current "lifetimes" as a finite singular entity
we live we die
I personally do not believe this is "true", at least in the sense in which most of us might imagine it -- call it "channeled", a vision, whatever you wish
it keeps "coming to me", over and over, that we are high vibratory (and by high vibration, I mean vibrating quickly, not, necessarily, some "elevated, lofty spiritual" place)
although I believe we ARE lofty elevated spiritual essences, each and every one of us
these "spiritual essences" (the "who" of who we are) exist in multiple places concurrently
yet are joined as singular vibratory forces, all the same
if this is so, then Death is not an end but rather a vibratory switch in speed
because we are both here AND THERE all the time
and much like the kitchen table is in actuality a bunch of molecules both independent and working together at the same time, rather than simply big blocks of wood screwed together
so, too, Death is a minor change in vibrational "direction"
the kitchen table could catch fire and no longer look like a kitchen table -- it "died" to that function and form
the energy "transformed" during the fire and went somewhere else . . . yet the table "essence" underscores "where it went"
and "where it went" was connected, in terms of vibration, also with where it came from
before it collectively "assembled" into a kitchen table
meaning -- we are already IN the place we go when we die, right now
the forms may change, the arrangement seemingly will "re-arrange"
but the finite form of the kitchen table, if viewed at its core, was never what it "appeared" anyway
. . . taking this a step further then, "past lives" (to me) are legit
(based on this logic, too) as they (seen in this context)
are simply clusters of vibrations acting BOTH as singular elements and concurrent harmonic patterns
like the kitchen table that lived for a time as a tree and, after burning, transformed into different forms of energy
the burnt wood later fertilized perhaps new growth, a new tree or plant
so past lives are sort of separate and not separate, all at the same time
just as quanta of energy are both here and there all at the same time, even though supposedly it is impossible
controlled experiments suggest this is the actual "truth"
sounds sort of nutty, I know -- but quantum physics also sounds nutty
bottom line -- long story short
our vibratory patterns "re-arrange" as part of an evolutionary journey
driven by who knows what for God knows what reason :)
still, I believe more and more with each passing day
that Death, as we conceive of it, is not true
the essence remains, a constant
forms "seem different" and vibrate with or against other forms
based on harmonic resonance patterns (throw a pebble into the creek)
but the song, basically, always remains the same