Alien technology, Human DNA, telepathy, and historical migration patterns . . . All jumbled together in some madcap mystical beef stew
Humans are aliens and aliens are humans and yeah the Easter Bunny likes to hop . . . Translated: I believe we can not only "experience" multiple worlds, I believe those same multiple worlds not only experience us, I believe they can also influence us from "afar"
And before measuring me for my tin foil straight jacket, consider this
. . . Aliens (yeah, THOSE ALIENS) are likely visiting and not just "observing" but also "altering" the fabric of "conscious" reality (whatever reality ultimately might "mean")
We tend to process everything in a linear 3-D type of logic but it is quite possible that this 3-D world
Is "less real" than we suppose
Alien "visitation" is happening and has happened pretty much forever
And we think (usually) that if they're here, then they have to come here . . . From somewhere else
But what if they are "already here" and the visitations are reflections of conscious thoughts on or from Earth
A "technology" so advanced it responds to a specific code, like "Artificial Intelligence" on steroids
Initiated from here by those unconsciously "transmitting" this code
They both come here and start out here . . . A riddle
But because it's a riddle does not mean it can't be true